Bossbar Generator - Crowdford

Bossbar Generator - Crowdford

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Bossbar Generator

Bossbar Generator

A generator used to generate bossbars. This is not for bossbars that simply are supposed to look pretty, you'll need to create the JSON yourself. This generator is specifically for bossbars that are supposed to be able to show different values for every player (e.g. for cooldowns). This generator provides two functions as output (one for setup, one for tick), and the bossbar is bound to a scoreboard objective.

ID: Name the bossbars should have

Objective: Name of the objective that the bossbar should display the value of

Maximum Value: Maximum value the score can be

Name: Display name of the bossbar

Color & Style: Color/Style of the bossbar

Display Permanently: Remove bossbar on 0, or constantly display

1) Generate commands

2) Put each output into a function (two seperate ones)

3) Run the first function once

4) Constantly run the second function on every player



Maximum Value

Name (JSON)



Display Permanently

Output (Or Console)


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