Swift Sprinters - Maps - Crowdford

Swift Sprinters - Maps - Crowdford

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Swift Sprinters

Swift Sprinters
Swift Sprinters
Plains Level
Plains Level
Nether Level
Nether Level
Underwater Level
Underwater Level
Rainbow Level
Rainbow Level
Desert Level
Desert Level
End Level
End Level
Space Level
Space Level
Mushroom Level
Mushroom Level
Woodlands Level
Woodlands Level
Castle Level
Castle Level
Rage Level
Rage Level
City Level
City Level

"Randomly Generated Runner!"

You've angered the giant! Complete the randomly generated levels to escape! Can you outrun the giant?!

✧ Randomly Generated Levels
This map has many randomly generated levels. They vary in lenght, speed and more! Complete the levels by reaching the end without dying or the giant catching up to you!
✧ Many Different Themes
The levels in this map have a variety of themes, this includes, but is not limited to: Plains, Spaceship, Desert, City and Castle. Some of the levels require you to defeat enemies or to complete 'mini quests', while others are perfect for speed running!
✧ Special Abilities & Items
In this map there are special abilities, such as climbing and sliding. You can also unlock items that can help you, by completing levels. Items for example can make you faster or stronger!
✧ Highscores
Another feature of this map is to track your score & highscore. If you get a higher score than before in a certain level this new highscore will be saved and you can see it on a sign in the level selection room! Tell us your highscores! Can you beat our highscores?


A McTsts Project

Full Credit:

Map by McTsts, EnderPig, marhjo, MrKukurykpl, rafakado, TTEXTT, NemPlayer, Green Greeny, Troller4Ever & Stalkative


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1. Please keep the discussion mature; if your comment is deemed as inappropriate it will not be published.

2. Having a different opinion or negative feedback is fine, but please be respectful while writing it - aim for constructive criticism.

3. Bugs, problems and questions can be sent here, but usually getting a response is faster via our Discord server: https://discord.gg/qZ3SCcc

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